Lit spotify playlist covers
Lit spotify playlist covers

It features a surreal background with what appears to be two moons. The album artwork depicts the artist on a rooftop with his eyes closed. In his first full album “soil,” the openly gay artist touches on topics like labour and love with his signature R&B-like sound. He is known for his powerful and unique voice.

lit spotify playlist covers

Soil – serpentwithfeetīorn Josiah Wise, experimental pop artist serpentwithfeet is based in Brooklyn. Without further ado, let’s dive into our list! 10. Be sure to stick around until the very end for some of the coolest album covers ever! The Best Gay Album Covers That Represent Pride In this article, we will count down our top 10 best gay album covers. In honour of pride month, let’s take a look at some of the best gay album covers! A lot of the time, you will see an album way before hearing the track, so it’s important it is eye-catching and memorable. Album covers are one of the first things we digest with regards to new music.

lit spotify playlist covers

Albums are a great way for artists and songwriters to tell a story, and the album artwork is a vital part of the story. Despite the recent decline in album sales, they are a product that will never cease to exist.

Lit spotify playlist covers